SKERIC seed funding for Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme
SKERIC is offering seed funding to support the development of new joint research projects and innovations between Swedish and Korean scholars. The purpose is to give researchers enrolled in the Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme (FLSCP) better opportunities to prepare for larger joint research projects, write proposals for major external research grants and joint publications.
To apply for the funds, each research theme/group within SKERIC Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme should submit an application with proposed activity plan and budget for the upcoming 6-12 months. The application should be agreed upon, and submitted jointly, by the whole research theme/group. Applications from individual team members are not accepted. The application may include multiple activities that the group is seeking funding for. Applications are accepted on a running basis but no later than May 31, 2026.
Grant amount and eligible costs
Each of the five research themes/groups within SKERIC Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme can be granted a maximum of 400 000 SEK over the entire SKERIC project period (2024-2026).
The funds may be used for pilot study costs or other costs for preparing the project and build the partnership structure. Funding may also be used for interactive activities aimed to foster collaboration, such as workshops, seminars and meetings including travel costs, as well as virtual activities. The funds may not be used for salary costs or to cover overhead costs.
Application procedure
To apply for the funds, each research theme/group within SKERIC Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme should submit an application with proposed activity plan and budget for the upcoming 6-12 months. The complete application form should be signed by the mentors and sent to SKERIC project manager: elisabeth.axell@er.lu.se.
Complete application form includes:
1. Activity plan for the upcoming 6-12 month including;
a. Description and timeline for each activity
b. Budget/costs for each activity
c. Name and contact details to the Swedish coordinator responsible for cost reporting of each activity
2. A brief motivation of how the proposed activities will contribute to the development of new joint research projects and innovations between Swedish and Korean scholars
Confidential information should be excluded from the application. Submitted applications are considered official documents subject to the principle of public access to information.
Other conditions
· Each activity in the application must include participants from both Sweden and Korea.
· Each activity must have a coordinator from a Swedish university that the funds will be transferred to and who is responsible for the financial report and documentation.
Applications will be reviewed by the SKERIC Coordinating university to ensure that planned activities fulfill the requirements of the seed funding as stated in this document. Activities can start after receiving a grant approval letter and cost report template from the SKERIC Coordinating university.
Final report and payment of funds
The Swedish coordinator for each activity is responsible to submit a short activity report and cost reporting according to the instructions provided in the grant approval letter within 2 months after the activity. The report should be sent to SKERIC project manager. Funds will be transferred to the Swedish university coordinating that activity. All costs must be handled, registered, and reported through the university. No individual reimbursements are made.