About the project
Sweden-Korea Education, Research, and Innovation Collaboration (SKERIC) is a collaborative project between eight Swedish and Korean universities. The project will address some of the major challenges facing democratic societies today, with the aim to equip some of the best and brightest young researchers and innovators from Sweden and Korea with the necessary tools, skills, and networks to become academic leaders and outstanding researchers and innovators, capable of addressing the world’s most pressing challenges as well as advocating for democracy and academic freedom. With its focus on next generation of academics and innovators in Korea and Sweden, SKERIC will introduce blended collaborative platforms and models that integrate both virtual and physical components for international and interdisciplinary career development programmes, international academic leadership programmes and matchmaking events for representatives of research-based startups/spin-off.
The three major target groups include:
•Early career researchers
•Future academic leaders
•Representatives of research-based startups and university spin-offs
Each target group will follow a tailored programme, exclusive for that group, but with opportunities for the different target groups, the academic leadership and administration, to learn from each other and compare experiences, as well as to build a network for future collaboration.
Main objectives
-Provide a platform for joint research proposals, joint publications, and collaboration in innovation, between Sweden and Korea. In the long run, this is expected to extend the collaboration in research and innovation between Sweden and Korea, and to increase the joint research applications between Sweden and Korea.
-Extend the network among universities, particularly young researchers, emerging leaders and innovators, in Sweden and Korea.
-Develop the understanding of complex global challenges and how to address them with an interdisciplinary approach, among young researchers.
-Promote mobility among young researchers, to provide them with knowledge, experience of international collaboration and a research network in Sweden and Korea respectively.
-Prepare the next generation of academic leaders in Sweden and Korea with the tools to handle international complexity.
-Increase the knowledge of the innovation system in Sweden and Korea respectively, which in the long run is expected to lead to a growth of Swedish-Korean collaboration in innovation and business.
-Develop a model for future international collaboration.