SKERIC activities
SKERIC consists of three major activities, targeting early career researchers, future scientific leaders and representatives from startups and spin-offs.
The Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme
The Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme is an international career development programme targeting early career researchers. The programme brings together around 50 early career researchers from Korea and Sweden. The researchers will be PhD students and/or researchers who gained their PhD at the latest in 2020. The participants in the programme are divided into interdisciplinary groups with members from both countries, working together to discuss and address one of the following societal challenges: Climate change and green transformation; Precision health; Innovative energy solutions; Dynamic, secure and sustainable society, and; Artificial intelligence. The programme offers training in themes such as communication, proposal writing and ethics. Each research group are assigned experienced mentors, who provide guidance, support and expertise to the research groups. The researchers will have the opportunity to apply for long-term mobility and seed-funding, schemes which are set up exclusively for the Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme.
The Science Diplomacy Academy Programme - Academic programme for future scientific leaders
The Science Diplomacy Academy (SDA) is an international academic leadership programme, aimed at equipping future scientific leaders in Korea and Sweden with the tools to handle international complexity. The academy is aimed at researchers with an excellent track-record, such as tenured or tenure-track faculty members at the rank of assistant professor (biträdande lektor), within 10 years after their PhD. The SDA provides participants with a range of skills and tools that can help them to navigate in the complex terrain of globalisation and academia. The Academy focus is on a wide range of areas necessary for responsible international leadership but it also provides the participants with insights in other relevant areas. Teachers in the academy are prominent researchers, innovators, policy-makers and diplomats from Sweden, Korea and beyond.
Science to Business Forum
Science to Business Forum, aims to strengthen and provide opportunities through technology commercialization networking, and to share technology commercialization policies and innovation cases between the two countries. Forums will be organized that bring together representatives of research-based startups from both countries, whom will be given the chance to connect with businesses, investors, research institutions, laboratories and key opinion leaders in research and innovation ecosystems in Sweden and Korea. The activities are expected to enable the participants to establish collaborations and partnerships, gain knowledge on market trends, technology, and industry best practices in both countries. The aim is to focus on a highly targeted group of representatives of startups and spin-offs.